Monday, February 4, 2013

My utopia's setup.

My Utopia's about being in a peaceful and moderately quiet place to do what you love doing. What utopia means to me is a place to be happy and safe in. In my utopia residents spend their days working and doing what they love.Schools and jobs are a must if we tend to survive. We do not use traditional means of money we trade goods for other goods. People get paid the same amounts of goods like food,clothes,etc.You can not live in my Utopia without going to some kind of school or have some kind of jobs. Only kids through the age of 1-16 have the privilege to not have a job.The setup isn't worry free.It still has it's small problems but we do our best. We do not have crime.Kids through the age of 6-16 got to school after that you have a job.

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